Saturday, June 12, 2010


new word i made to explain frustration. i'm at that point in life where it seems that things are constantly going up and down. i miss last year. at this exact time, i would probably be watching some anime or reading fanfictions without a care in the world and no place to go later. i would be alone and lazy. and i would LOVE it. ... i have bakugan tooth paste.. but i'm scared to use it b/c i don't like the smell... is that lame? speaking of bakugan, i realllly need to get caught up because theyadded new characters and got rid of Mira and them (THANK GOODNESS) now the characters are: Dan Shun Marucho Julie a gorgeous girl named Fabia an ugly guy named Ren and a butch ginger named Jake as well as a bunch of monstery looking ppl with weird names :/ what i'm asking is.. where the fuck did Runo go? atleast Julie's back (Y) i'm actually super curious now. anyway, i'm going to see prince of Persia later (Y) that'll be epic. ..sometimes i wonder why i bother to post anymore.. EDIT: SHIT! it's rumoured that Fabia could be with Shun D':

EDIT from 2020: Bitch, you ended up LOVING Gundalian Invaders. Fuck off lmao. Ren is cute and Fabia is gorgeous. Also wtf is that Mira hate about??


obsessedpanda said...

i know this is bullshit
runo and dan tag-teamed together like twice and it was epic
like i hated runo
but seriously fuck all this "hardcore" shonnen shit or a bunch of guy brawlers doing what men do best

Isis Clara L. said...

Ohh. I know what you're feeling, with the whole life's going up and down and stuff. That's what a lot of my blogposts on my herlovelydaze account are about D: LIke, last year was fun... But I wouldn't want to go back to last year. Because they were good times, but I'd much rather this year. :/