Friday, February 5, 2010

life kinda sucks.

ohai. I haven't blogged in days, i apologize (though no one probably even cares anyway) I haven't had an internet connection since three nights ago and even now that i do, it goes on and off. chances are that when i try to post this, the internet will be screwy. things that suck: -math first period in a portable. -the lack of food in my house. -my religion teacher. -my father. -fact that i want to talk to Natasha but can't. -facebook is being slow. -i have extra curricular activities EVERYDAY after school for the next 3 weeks. -_- (stupid play) -the scary girl behind me in my math class who kicks my chair. -i have heart-burn -there's a zit smack-dab in the middle of my nose -new Bakugan ep sucked -new Hetalia ep STILL isn't out few good things: -[redacted] took some sickkk photos of me for my pageant modeling portfolio -art class is amazing -history class is amazing -[redacted] just brought me McDonald's :) -I found another Francophile. I lurve you Cole. -its friday.. -i found the SekimeXNoe story i started writing for Natasha a long time ago. (though it sucks.) so i'll probably go play with my gay sims.. or maybe i should embrace my internet connection while i have it and watch youtube vids, or creep people on facebook... i'm good at that. wow! it's 9:00 already!? =_= there goes my day... -A:/

1 comment:

obsessedpanda said...


sorry to hear about all the bad stuff, tell me about it this weekend?