Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Hello from the worst year in my 27 years of existence.

It's not that terrible for me specifically, but we're in a global pandemic, and a human rights crisis. What this means for me, however is that I now work from home like a slob and I can avoid the logistics of moving my entire life to the US.

And you know I love procrastination!

That being said, it's actually likely more so avoidance behaviour and if it wasn't obvious years ago, I also very likely have ADHD. Too bad it takes effort to go see a psychologist!

I have another cat (since 2017 actually), I play a lot of video games and I'm kind of just coasting. I'd dare say, as much as this strange time is setting me back mentally, this is allll I've ever dreamed of.

2020 is strange. I don't really mind.

I mean, once I get past that dreadful feeling of impending doom lingering in the background.

Also I'm better about my fiance's gender thing now. It still feels like something that will go away in a few years, but I'm too indifferent to care now.

Also the whole famjam knows I'm a big ol lesbian now. The only person who cares is my father, as we assumed he would. Everyone else doesn't give a shit. It's cool to have that off my shoulders.

Until next year maybe.

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