Friday, November 12, 2010

bad day.

i'm having a bad day.. actually, it's not quite 'bad' persay, more like... mundane, dismal, flat out boring.

I'm in one of those moods that i get into.. i honestly wish i could stop being so angsty, i mean... there's so many things that could be making me happy... but they aren't. At least i have how to train your dragon...

here's a rant that i drabbled into writing while doing my writer's craft story.

Sometimes I’m not actually perfect… there is plenty of moments in my life like this one, where I fail to be creative and fail to be the embodiment of perfection. Despite the fact that I try, like the little train that could, there is times that my ‘I think I can’ falters, and I manage to be plunged into the mindset of 'I think I can’t'. There is a lot of pressure on me as I pause to think, and the clicking from other student’s keyboards washes over my calm. It’s quite intimidating to think that so many ideas and words can come from these people around me, but maybe the ideas and words aren’t as great as mine? That, I will not know unless I take the time to read the babies of those around me, which I will not do, due to my conceided and jealous nature.

-end rant-

Also, unless  I manage to make this story 50k words in length, in one weeked, i probably will not achieve nanowrimo.

I don't have enough time or energy to write ANOTHER story after already writing one for class.


random rants:
-i'm pretty sure that someone i thought was my friend is annoyed by me...
-i'm jealous of those in the play.. i couldn't audition because of work.. my one friend got the female lead.. and she's (wow this sounds bad..) not as good as me, so i easily could have gotten the part.
-i have a lot of issues, and not enough time to solve them
-i think i may be critically insane. (not that i wasn't before)
-i work tonight.. but i'm tired and weary of life.
-i work all weekend and i have plans to teach my friend pageant stuff (she's competing against me) and i have to finish my story..


if you have nothing nice to say, don't comment, i'm not in the mood.


obsessedpanda said...

i love you
sorry about all this
if you want time this weekend call me :)
i don't have much homework and i won't blow you off again :P
it was an important assignment though.

also pageant stuff should improve your mood :)

Isis Clara L. said...

I hope things get better.
I hate those moods D:

Also, for nanowrimo - you don't need to write one entire story with 50k. All the stories that you've written for Writer's Craft - you can use all of those words for nanowrimo. And then you can just write more short stories for the rest of what you need.
Anyway, you don't need 50 k this weekend. The suggested word count for today is around 21,000 words, I think.

Don't feel pressured to finish nano though, not if you don't have the time or energy. :(

Goodluck with everything! <3